Monday, July 26, 2010

what are you doing in the closet?

are you struggling to lose weight? can't get those last 5 pounds off (ME!)? feel like you're working your ass off and making sacrifices but nothing is happening?

well, i am a fucking genius because i know why.

do you really want help? do you reeealllly wanna know what the fuck is wrong? are you ready to come out of denial? are you really ready to give up your yummys and do something about your unhappiness with self? if you are, this is what you need to do...

i dare you to write down everything you put in your mouth for a week. EVERYTHING.

it's easy to blindly look at your GOOD meals while forgetting about that picnic you went to this weekend. it's easy to forget about that extra super large coffee drink from starbucks that had 6,000 calories in it. it's easy to forget that when you eat out and get a piece of cake, it's about 1,000 calories.

and don't forget about what you do in the dark. if you're anything like me, you can consume a whole box of granola bars in the kitchen while someone is working out in the basement and another person is watching t.v. in the living room. or how about this one - stuffing food in your mouth while making dinner and then sitting down to a full dinner with the rest of the family. telling yourself you had 1 glass of wine when really you had 2 fish bowl size glasses of wine...and a beer. grabbing a candy bar at the grocery store and throwing the wrapper out the window so no one knows. have you ever done that one? i can go on and on and on about the skeezy-ass things i have done with food. if you struggle with your weight, come out of the dark and into the light. really shine a flashlight on what you're doing and then you'll see the changes you need to make.

happy eating - in broad day light! xo

1 comment:

  1. just want to say I love you & my health challenge begins this week!!
